Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Off to Italy

This weekend we're flying to Perugia. We're off to see the farmhouse we've bought in Tuscany, near Arezzo. It's been rebuilt but needs a huge amount of week doing to it.
I guess there's lots of reasons why we bought it:
- to reconnect to my Italian roots
- to be able to spend long holidays in a place of my own and cook to my heart's content
- to become a place where my extended family can get together
- to be able to make my own olive oil
- because Tuscany is heaven on earth
When I was kid my grandad owned a house in Torre del Lago near the Tuscany which he eventually sold. I always hoped that one day I'd have my own place. We've had some architects plans through and this weekend we're going to visualise the layout. Watch this space for progress reports!


Rob said...

*packs suitcase*

Tony said...

you'll you the first guests!