Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tony Buzan Lecture

I decided to go a lecture yesterday at the Louise T Blouin Institute in west London by Tony Buzan. I spend so much of my time teaching it was really nice to be able to sit in the audience and take it all in.

Tony Buzan is a renowned business guru and expert in creativity who invented that well known creativity tool Mind Mapping and has written dozens of books on how the brain works.
Although he acted a bit too much like a guru for my liking I do agree with all the things he says, namely that:

- everybody is creative although many people don't realise it
- we only ever use a tiny proportion of our phenomenal brainpower
- there's so much more we could achieve if we put our mind to it.
- there are so many things we could do to improve our creative output.

If you've never done Mind Mapping its easy and I suggest you give it a go.


Silvana said...

Will you post a list of things we can do to improve our creative output?

Tony said...

yes I will! Will do it over the weekend