Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Nike ad

In today's workshop I showed this new Nike Ad which was recently shown in South Africa. What do you think of it? It created a lot of discussion.

I'm not really a fan. Its powerful but feels very Adidas to me. Nike has always had a touch of humour and lighthearted-ness which I feel is missing here. Not sure its the right thing to do.

One of my favourite Nike ads is still the 1998 ad with the Brazil team stuck in an Airport which featured a young, slim Ronaldo and a cameo appearance from Eric Cantona. Makes me want to play footie every time I see it.


Silvana said...

I don't like it. It's beautifully filmed but the aggressive message isn't nice. Nike is not cool.

James Franco said...

I am surprised that Nike have included cricket, I wouldnt associate Nike Products with Cricket at all.
Mainly Football, Athletics, American sports and Rugby.
the Ad is very well put together, but it did remind me of the Fat Boy Slim Adidas Advert from a few years ago.

Tony said...

In the South African context I guess they included cricket because its such a big sport over there.