Saturday, March 24, 2007

What's it like working for yourself?

Its been well over a year since I decided to go it alone and a number of people have asked me for some thoughts on what its like and what I've learnt, so here's goes:

1. Work out what kind of life you'd like to lead. How much you want to earn, what kind of work life balance you want to achieve. What else you want to do beyond your paid work.

2. Figure out what you're good at and what you enjoy. Hopefully these two things will coincide. Try and summarise this on an A4 sheet of paper.

3. Your network is your most important - and only - asset. Treat it with the upmost respect and continue to nurture it. There are 3 types of people. Those who can help you develop your business idea, those who can become partners and collaborators, those who provide you with work.

4. Tell people want you plan to do. People will always try and help you if they can. Equally, be generous when people ask you for your help and support. What goes around, comes around.

5. Stay humble. Never get cocky, not matter how well you're doing. Remember who helped you out at your moment of need. Never take anything for granted. Keep delivering for every job.

6. Take responsibility for your own state of mind and stress levels. If you're too busy say no. If you need more work - look for it. There's no else to blame.

7. Keep reading and searching for advice and inspiration. Books I find helpful are:

Soloing by Hariett Rubin
The Beermat Entrepreneur by Mike Sothon and Chris West
The Elephant and The Flea by Charles Handy
How to Be Free by Tom Hodkinson

Is it better working for yourself? For me - definitely. I do work I enjoy with people I like. I'm fitter and healthier. I find time to do stuff I enjoy. I'm earning a living. (But I'm not taking it for granted - see 5. above!)

So if you're thinking about working for yourself - give up your corporate trappings - and go for it. You've only got one life.

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