Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Allotment News

The recent hot weather coupled with a warning letter from Wandsworth council has encouraged me to sort out my allotment over the past couple of weeks. Now its looking fantastic with loads of new crops emerging.

What's great about being on the allotment is the sense of tranquility you feel and the sense of achievement you get from growing your own veg. You also find that you meet a real cross-section of people who are never short on advice and help.

I learnt recently that some people organise their gardening activities around the phases of the moon. When the moon is waxing, the earth is 'exhaling' and releasing. This is the time to sow flowering veg. When the moon is waning, the earth is 'inhaling' and absorbing. This is the time to water, use natural fertilizers and sow root veg. I tend to work around the weather.

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