Sunday, March 16, 2008

No Country For Old Men

Saw the latest multi-Oscar winning Coen Brothers film on the flight home. It's a very violent film with an incredible performance by Javier Bardem who plays the part of a very scary, deranged psychopath. Worth seeing but certainly not for the squeamish.
The film was adapted from a novel by Cormac McCarthy who also wrote The Road, which is supposed to be really good. Was a big hit with Karen's book club. Will start reading it tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I thought it was very overrated and I look forward to having you explain the last scene when I see you tonight!

Also the Gorilla accounted for a big surge in Cadbury's sales! :)

See you tonight.


Tony said...

Don't believe what you hear from the Cadbury PR machine - written by Alistair Campbell, probably.

Yes - agree don't think the film's the mastepiece that some people claim