Friday, October 10, 2008

Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food.
I'm really enjoying Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food. whereby he's trying to get the whole nation to cook again by passing on recipes.
This time he's dealing with issues that are much more deep rooted and complex that any of his previous campaigns and I really admire what he's trying to do.
This is much more than a cookery programme. It exposes some of the key issues facing Britain today.
- our ongoing class system and the north south divide
- poor education, with people who can't read recipes and have never been taught to cook
- family breakdown and the consquences of single parenthood
- the growing gap between rich and poor
- our obesity epidemic and resultant health issues
Jamie represents the middle class, self made, foodies at the heart of Britain's 'food revolution' and I love the way he can't quite get to grips with people who can't/ won't cook for themselves and prefer to spend what little cash they have on fags, booze and takeaways.
There are no quick fixes here, but well done Jamie for raising awareness of the issues and having a good crack at them.

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