Friday, November 07, 2008

Most Popular Brands of 2008

Over the past 12 months I've facilitated many workshops where brands have been discussed ad infinitum. From memory, these following brands have had the most mentions. So, in no particular order....

1. Apple

It used to be the iPod, now its the iPhone. Usually someone has one and likes to wave it about, provoking jealous looks from those people around them. Occasionally someone says I hate Apple.. and receives pitying looks from everyone else.

2. Nespresso

Quoted more often by women. People admire its innovative route to market, the way it has built partnerships with suppliers and its aspirational brand image. Others just fancy George Clooney.

3. The Nintendo Wii

A brand with broad appeal which provoke many stories of how difficult it was to buy. Amazingly not everyone has played it. However having heard it described to them most people say ' why haven't you brought one to the workshop?' I must remember next time.

4. Bugaboo

A recent entry, this range of expensive baby buggies is usually mentioned by image-conscious young dads who would much rather spend their hard earned cash on a BMW but have been told they can't. They usually claim they choose one because of its 'great functionality'. Now we know this isn't true

5. Abercrombie and Fitch

A popular choice amongst the nubile females, gay men and people from Dublin. The real fans can describe not only the 'must buy' items, but also which stores in New York have the best ranges and the best times to go shopping there.

6. Ocado

A life saver for all the UK based stressed business women. Non-Brits have never heard it, but are usually convinced of its merits after a long description of how nice and helpful the Ocado-man is.
7. Innocent

A brand admired for its 'tone of voice' and the cute woolly hats promotion. In almost every workshop I've been to someone has said 'we must do an Innocent with our brand'. This is usually followed by someone else saying our brand personality needs to be a 'bit more like Jamie'.

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